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Chimpanzee trekking is one of the most sought after and interesting activities in Uganda.
Scientifically known as Pan Troglodytes, Chimpanzees share 98.7% of their DNA with humans, making them mankind’s closest relatives.

Chimpanzees weigh between 25 and 70 kilograms, and can live for up to 50 years in the wild. These primates are primarily herbivorous with their diet mainly comprising of leaves and fruits as well as buds and sometimes insects. They live in communities/troops comprising of an Alpha male, females, juveniles and infants.

The World population of these apes is estimated to be between 172,000 and 300,000 individuals, with most of them in African countries (up to 21 countries) especially Uganda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania and Guinea among others.

In Uganda, over 5000 chimpanzees are distributed across different areas that include Kibale Forest National Park, Budongo Forest, Kyambura gorge, Kalinzu forest, Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, Uganda Wildlife Education Center and Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve.


Kibale Forest National Park, located in western Uganda is popularly known as the “primates Capital of the World”. With over 1500 of the total 5000 chimpanzees in the country, Kibale National park is the top chimpanzee trekking destination in Uganda.

The chimpanzee tracking activity in Kibale Forest National Park starts from Kanyanchu visitor Center with a briefing before trekkers enter the jungle in search of mankind’s closest relatives.

Kibale Forest National Park is a home to other primates that include the grey-cheeked mangabeys, black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, vervet monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, bush babies, pottos, Olive baboons and L’Hoests monkeys among others. The Park also is also home to other mammals such as elephants, leopards and Sitatunga as well as several species of birds, reptiles, butterflies and Amphibians.


Budongo is a Tropical rainforest found in north-western Uganda, at the edge of Murchison falls National Park. Its also home to a significant population of chimpanzees that can be visited within the Kaniyo-Pabidi area, and also offers an opportunity of participating in the immersive Chimpanzee Habituation Experience.

Besides chimpanzees, Budongo Forest is home to other primates like the olive baboons, vervet monkeys and black and white colobus monkeys. Other activities in Budongo Forest include nature walks and birding for forest species. Visitors to Murchison falls National Park, can trek chimpanzees in addition to enjoying wildlife safaris.


Kyambura gorge is located within the vast savannah-dominated Queen Elizabeth National Park, in the western side of Uganda. Kyambura gorge is one of the rare jewels of this National Park with a thick forest and lies within the Albertine Rift Valley. Chimpanzee trekking is the main activity in Kyambura gorge, and other residents of the gorge are the olive baboons, black and white colobus monkeys and snake species.

Queen Elizabeth is another perfect spot for visitors interested in combining chimpanzee and wildlife safaris (with views of elephants, buffaloes, lions, leopards, Uganda Kobs, Defassa waterbucks, elands, warthogs and Topis).


Toro-Semliki is one of the few Wildlife Reserves where chimpanzees can be trekked in Uganda. Nestled along the Uganda-Democratic Republic of Congo border, the Reserve together with the greater Semliki National Park offer great opportunity of getting into close contact with the chimpanzees in their natural habitat.
The forests where the chimpanzees are found are lighter, with less cover and sometimes the apes move to the open savannah hence making it easier to sight them.

Chimpanzees in the Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve have been habituated and studied by Indiana University Researchers.


Chimpanzee trekking is the most sought-after activity for visitors to the verdant Kalinzu Forest.  Located in south-western Uganda, Kalinzu Forest is home to more than 300 chimpanzees, out of which 50 have been habituated for visiting. The activity is usually conducted twice a day-in the morning starting at 8:00am and in the evening starting at 3pm. Besides the Chimpanzees, other primates  include Olive baboons, vervet monkeys and pottos among others.

Apart from the chimpanzees found in the wild (National Parks, Wildlife Reserves and forests), there is a significant population of these great apes in captivity (zoos and Sanctuaries) and these include; Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary (Home to orphaned chimpanzees), the Uganda Wildlife Education Center (Accommodates confiscated, injured and orphaned wildlife) and many others.

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